English language quizzes
Reporting verbs quiz 1
Complete the sentences with the correct reporting verbs.
She ________________ that the lucky draw winner was Maggie Leung.
- informed
- announced
- advised
He _______________ us not to drink the tap water.
- informed
- insisted
- warned
She _____________ why it wasn't possible to get there by bus.
- advised
- explained
- informed
He _____________ taking the train as the traffic was terrible.
- invited
- claimed
- suggested
She ______________ us to arrive early in order to get a good view.
- suggested
- advised
- informed
He ________________ stealing a hundred dollars from her bag.
- denied
- assured
- said no
They _______________ to clear up the mess, saying it wasn't their job.
- proposed
- refused
- rejected
The company later ______________ that one of their employees had been arrested.
- convinced
- declared
- confirmed
The CEO ______________ taking bribes of over a million dollars.
- refused
- admitted
- agreed
They _______________ that they had been misled by the advertisement.
- proposed
- complained
- assured
During the meeting, the chairman ______________ setting up a special committee to investigate waste.
- invited
- declared
- proposed
The salesman ______________ them to buy three new flats.
- persuaded
- argued
- proposed