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English language quizzes

Present perfect, past simple, and past continuous tenses gap-fill exercise 1

Complete the short dialogue by filling each gap with the correct verb form. Some of the verbs are in brackets to help you.
Use present perfect simple, past simple and past continuous tenses only.

Pete: 'Have you ever (break) a bone?'

Sandy: 'Yes, I , actually. I (break) my arm when I at secondary school.'

Pete: 'How you do it?'

Sandy: 'Well, we (get) off the school bus one morning and the girl behind me
(push) me and I (fall) down the steps.

Pete: 'Oh no. it very painful?'

Sandy: 'I can't really remember - it such a long time ago. I expect it .
Resources page for tenses (general)

Escape from the canyon
<i>Black Mirror</i>