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English language quizzes

An English wedding

Wedding vocabulary gap fill exercise

Fill the gaps with words related to weddings. All of the words are nouns except one, which is a verb.
A tradtional English wedding takes place in a or a office. The order of events is usually the same in either.

First, the and make a number of , in which they promise to love and take care of each other, and share their possessions. Then they exchange and each other. At this point they become officially married. Then they sign the and pose for photographs.

The next stage is called the and is held in the bride's home or at a specially arranged venue such as a hotel. The guests usually have a meal, during which are made. The most important of these are made by the bride's father and the (two words). Plenty of alcoholic drink is consumed - often - and there may be dancing.

Finally, the newly married couple leave for an intimate holiday together in a romantic location. This is called the .
Resources page for marriage / weddings
Quizzes - multiple choice / short answer
Marriage / weddings vocabulary quiz
Complete the sentences with an appropriate word.

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