Nicola Thorp worked for...
- an agency called Portico.
- the UK government.
- a finance company called PwC.
Nicola Thorp didn't want to wear high-heeled shoes because they...
- were uncomfortable.
- were unfashionable.
- would prevent her doing her job.
She also felt that...
- the dress code was unfair to women.
- the company should pay for the shoes.
- her working hours were too long.
Her supervisor gave her the choice of...
- buying high-heeled shoes or going home.
- signing the appearance guidlines or quitting her job.
- wearing high heels or getting less pay.
Pwc said...
- it did not write the dress code.
- it would change the dress code.
- the dress code was quite reasonable.
Portico has since...
- changed the guidlelines.
- set up a petition.
- said they followed 'reasonable dress code standards.'
Nicola Thorp later...
- tried to get the law on dress codes changed.
- became a member of parliament.
- complained to the government.
Over 130,000 people...
- signed Nicola's petition to change the law.
- protested about unfair dress codes.
- debated the issue of dress codes.
The UK government...
- refused to change the law on dress codes.
- have now changed the law on dress codes.
- rejected sexually discriminating dress codes.