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ESL Worksheets


Reporting verbs - transformation - speaking practice

Intermediate B1-B2
20-30 min
Groups of 3
Worksheet description

Twelve cards with statements etc. in direct speech that are reported using the verbs
admit, advise, announce, assure, claim, confirm, encourage, explain, insist, offer, suggest and warn


Write the reporting verbs on the board. These are the target verbs to be used in the game.

Cut up the twelve reporting verb cards and give one set per group. They should be face down on the table.

Students take it in turns to pick up a card and whisper the sentence on the card to the student to his / her left.

That student has to report the information using one of the target reporting verbs. The third student has to guess the original direct speech statement.

pdf icon Download reporting verbs - transformation - speaking practice (PDF)
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