defining relative clauses
Worksheets: defining relative clauses
Twelve sentence pairs - one correct, one incorrect - containing relative clauses relating to places and times
Split crossword. Students make clues using relative clauses. The words are all either places or times.
Students make questions using defining relative clauses (What do you call the day that comes after Christmas Day etc.) from prompts (answers given). Play in teams or pairs. Five questions each.
Ss make definitions of words connected with education. (Substitutes the rather UK-centric activity # 3 on page 44 of Inside Out Intermediate student's book)
(1) Analysis: different ways of adding information to nouns - adjectives, compound nouns, relative clauses.
(2) Exercise: join two sentences together using relative clauses.
Ss reassemble definitions and match them to headwords.
Two sets of headwords and definitions jumbled and relative pronouns gapped.
Students match the definitions to the headwords and fill in the relative pronouns.
They can then read out the defintions to another group who have to guess the headword.
Reference notes, analysis and examples
Ten sentence prompts on the pattern: _________ is a city that/which/where/when/whose/who/why __________ .
Students complete and then give headwords to partner who has to guess the defining sentence
six sentence prompts on the pattern: _________ is a person that/which/where/when/whose/who/why __________ .
Students complete and then give headwords to partner who has to guess the defining sentence.