ESL resources
look - look like - look as if
Look - look like - look as if

Look, look like and look as if quiz
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on differences between Look, look like and look as if.
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on differences between Look, look like and look as if.

Unit 10 Genius Page 90
Describing paintings.
Describing paintings.

30 - 31 Look / look like / look as f Pages 30 - 31
(30) Sentence completion with pic prompts (31) Matching - pix + captions
(30) Sentence completion with pic prompts (31) Matching - pix + captions

30 - Suggestive shapes Page 30
Picture ordering game. Deductions; Looks like. Students descibe and makes guesses about abstract shapes.
Picture ordering game. Deductions; Looks like. Students descibe and makes guesses about abstract shapes.