ESL resources
eating out / restaurants
Eating out / restaurants

Restaurant complaint cards
20 minutes
groups: 2-4

Common phrases: pubs and restuarants II

Material from other sources


Robot Chef 
In-depth study of a short BBC news item about robot chefs and waiting staff in a restaurant in China. Focuses on vocabulary.Includes exercise.

In-depth study of a short BBC news item about robot chefs and waiting staff in a restaurant in China. Focuses on vocabulary.Includes exercise.

Inside Out Student's Book Advanced
Unit 2 Taste Pages 18 - 19 Restaurant review
Reading in two parts about a nice family-run restaurant that is bought by an entrepeneur and spoiled.
Reading in two parts about a nice family-run restaurant that is bought by an entrepeneur and spoiled.
Unit 2 Taste Pages 20 - 21 Favourite resaurants
Students prepare and tell their partners about their favourite restaurant
Students prepare and tell their partners about their favourite restaurant
Unit 2 Taste Page 21 Restaurant review
Write a restaurant review for newspaper
Write a restaurant review for newspaper

Unit 12 Basics Pages 100 - 103
Listening: restaurnat dialogue; language for eating out; correct dialogue with inapropriate language; role play
Listening: restaurnat dialogue; language for eating out; correct dialogue with inapropriate language; role play

New Inside Out Student's Book Advanced
Unit 2 Taste Pages 16 - 17 Restaurant review
Split reading in four parts about an unusual restaurant that changed for the worse.
Split reading in four parts about an unusual restaurant that changed for the worse.
Unit 2 Taste Page 19 Anecdote
Students tell partners about the last time they ate out and then write a review of the restaurant they described
Students tell partners about the last time they ate out and then write a review of the restaurant they described

New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 6 Eat Page 56 Bad experiences in restaurants
Unit 6 Eat Page 57 How to do restaurant sign language
Unit 6 Eat Page 58 Interview with a restaurant critic
Unit 6 Eat Page 58 Anecdote: your favourite restaurant
Speaking with questions cues.
Speaking with questions cues.
Unit 6 Eat Page 64 Useful phrases (restaurants)

Just Listening and Speaking Upper Intermediate
Listening 11 - What people like to eat Pages 30 - 31
Five people talk about the kind of restaurants they like.
Five people talk about the kind of restaurants they like.

Real Listening & Speaking Three
Unit 2 Can I take your coat? Pages 14 - 17
Language for ordering and describing food and drink, deciding who pays and complaining. Understanding (spoken) restaurant reviews
Language for ordering and describing food and drink, deciding who pays and complaining. Understanding (spoken) restaurant reviews