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past events - talking about

Past events - talking about

See also:
narrative tenses


Past simple and continuous - anecdote - the Donkey Dog
Short anecdote about a frightening experience, gapped for past continuous and past simple plus 'enormous' and 'the biggest'


New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate students' book book cover 
New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate students' book
Module 2 Important firsts  Pages 20 - 21
Listening - anecdote: first day at school Telling anecdotes
Advanced Communication Games book cover 
Advanced Communication Games
2 Who killed Robbin Koch?  Page 1 
Complex murder solving role-play (16 role cards) in which participants need to ask each other questions to piece together events in the dead persons life.
The Great Train Robbery
<i>Black Mirror</i>
Escape from the canyon