ESL resources
English language
English language
Material from other sources

How smart are you? 
Twenty-question English test aimed at native speakers and focusing on the errors they make. Includes punctuation, spelling, language terminology (metaphor, simile etc.) and vocabulary.

Twenty-question English test aimed at native speakers and focusing on the errors they make. Includes punctuation, spelling, language terminology (metaphor, simile etc.) and vocabulary.

Why did LOL infiltrate the language? 
1301 words including info boxes. Gunning Fog index : 9.23 Coleman Liau index : 8.74 Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 7.24 ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 6.33 SMOG : 9.91 Flesch Reading Ease : 65.23 BNC vocab profile K1 Words : 70.75% K2 Words : 78.37% K3 Words : 82.33%

1301 words including info boxes. Gunning Fog index : 9.23 Coleman Liau index : 8.74 Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 7.24 ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 6.33 SMOG : 9.91 Flesch Reading Ease : 65.23 BNC vocab profile K1 Words : 70.75% K2 Words : 78.37% K3 Words : 82.33%

The words English owes to India 
Review of Anglo-Indian loan words hooked onto the latest reprinting of the Hobson-Jobson dictionary. Advanced 1055 words Flesch: 52.3

Review of Anglo-Indian loan words hooked onto the latest reprinting of the Hobson-Jobson dictionary. Advanced 1055 words Flesch: 52.3

Does English still borrow words from other languages? 
Is English borrowing or lending words? Words: 1187 Flesch: 42.7

Is English borrowing or lending words? Words: 1187 Flesch: 42.7

Global Intermediate Coursebook
Unit 1 Language & Culture Page 8 English for a specific purpose
Interview with ESP teacher who teaches aviation English
Interview with ESP teacher who teaches aviation English
Unit 1 Language & Culture Page 15 A world full of Englishes
Article by David Crystal on local variations of English
Article by David Crystal on local variations of English