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complaint - general language

Complaint - general language

See also:
document icon
Restaurant complaint cards
20 minutes
groups: 2-4
Twelve cards, each with a sentence expressing a complaint at a restaurant - e.g This soup is cold. Students have to mime and guess the complaints.
worksheet preview
document icon
Restaurant complaint role play
Pair work. Two role cards plus revision of negative adjectives


Real Listening & Speaking Three book cover 
Real Listening & Speaking Three
Unit 3 I'm looking for a flat  Page 21 
Tenants phone a property agent about problems in their flats
Unit 4 I'd like a refund, please  Pages 22 - 23
Returning unsatisfactory items to a shop
Reward Intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Intermediate Resource Pack
10 One of those days  Page 10 
One of those days Picture cue cards for complaints and requests
10 One of those days  Page 10 
Picture card cues for shop, restaurant, hotel etc complaints and requests.
The Great Train Robbery
<i>Black Mirror</i>
Escape from the canyon