Question word and yes/no questions. Similar to 'Find someone who ' activity.
Board game with dice. 'Like' 'would like'. 'don't mind -ing' etc.
Questionnaire activity intended to practice tag questions. Personal questions about music.
Find someone who. Designed as a revision activity. Not particularly suitable for introductions and ice-breaking.
Sentence completion + mill drill.
General personal topics. 7 / 12 use ed / ing adjectives.
Story writing activity. Ss complete sentences from prompts and pass to the S on the left.
Pairwork. 'Me as a child' vs 'me now'.
Dominoes for gradable - non-gradable adjectives and homophones (waist - waste etc.)
One of those days
Picture cue cards for complaints and requests
Picture card cues for shop, restaurant, hotel etc complaints and requests.
Ss add information to sentences about each other using non-defining relative clauses.
Find out who has (been learning English the longest etc.)
Examples of both state and action verbs.
Card game with picture prompts. Ss draw two cards and compare the items shown.
Adjectives for opinion, size, age, shape, colour,origin, material and purpose.
Mill-drill type activity focusing on personal predicitons. 'I will probably', 'I'm sure I won't' etc.
Must, can't might and could for deductions about the present. Students match picures (line drawings) with jobs.
Board game about a safari park. Cards with rules.
'Can' and 'could' for ability in the present and the past. (Mostly present)
Ss read rules for students and produce a list of rules for teachers
Line drawing pix from imaginary films. Ss complete produce 5 simple sentneces about the imaginary film from prompts.
Adverbs of manner and time.Students pretend they are animals and give information about their lifestyles. Others have to guess which animal they are.
Ss prepare 'Love is...' statements; interview each other and report what they've heard.
Category revision quiz for:
reported speech; adverbs; phrasal verbs and vocab.
(Hexagon sheet could be used for any questions.)
Ss write recipes in pairs etc, then exchange recipes (without the name of the dish shown) and guess the dish.
Ss write crossword clues using defining relative clauses. Subject : holidays and travel.
Noughts and crosses with general knowledge questions using passive voice (present and past)
make / let + second conditional
If I were a teacher (etc. - 4 imaginary situations), I'd make / let my students...
come - go, lend - borrow, bring - take, lay - lie etc.
Describing things when you don't know the word.
Complete a letter from prompts describing a visit to the S's home town. 'As soon as you get here, we'll...' etc.
Ss decide on a holiday destination from four options that are read out by other students in the group.
Ss list words and phrases under headings: 'The holiday of my dreams' and 'the holiday of my nightmares'. Compare and discuss.
Problem page letters. 5 or 6 dealing with romance / relationships
Mill drill or pairwork. 10 situations - Ss respond with You should have...
Question word and yes/no questions. Ss complete questions from prompts and ask each other
Sentence completion. 12 prompts, 'If I hadn't come here today I would have...' etc.
Wish + past perfect, if only + past perfect, 3rd conditional. Situation : Your regrets at 87.
Deductions about present and past.
8 picture cards. Ss make deductions : (smiling woman holding letter - 'She must have had some good news' etc.)
Ss complete thought bubbles using, 'I wish,' 'if only,' 'I should have...' etc.
Present perfect with 'still', 'yet' and 'already'