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reported speech
Reported speech
General points - reported speech and direct speech
There are two common ways to tell somebody (report) people's words, thoughts etc.
These are : direct speech and reported speech.
Direct speech is when we use the exact words that were said.
(Note : We can't use direct speech for thoughts, except in 'thought bubbles' in ...Read more

Reported speech dominoes matching
20-30 mins
groups: 3-4

Reported speech practice

Sex discrimination - high heels
Lead-in vocabulary: work clothing. News article (graded English) : woman sent home from work for refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. Grammar follow-up: reported speech.
Lead-in vocabulary: work clothing. News article (graded English) : woman sent home from work for refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. Grammar follow-up: reported speech.

Reported speech transformation exercise 01
Fifteen-question online transformation exercise. Change the direct speech examples to reported speech.
Fifteen-question online transformation exercise. Change the direct speech examples to reported speech.

Reported speech transformation exercise 2
Twelve-question online transformation exercise. Direct speech to reported speech. Includes questions, same time - same tense, and special reporting verbs (remind etc.)
Twelve-question online transformation exercise. Direct speech to reported speech. Includes questions, same time - same tense, and special reporting verbs (remind etc.)
Material from other sources

Reported speech quiz 
Fifteen-question multiple-choice quiz focusing on: (1) tense and time (2) ask / tell that vs ask / tell smbdy to do sthg

Fifteen-question multiple-choice quiz focusing on: (1) tense and time (2) ask / tell that vs ask / tell smbdy to do sthg

Unit 9 Soap Pages 74 - 76
Unit 16 Review 2 Page 134
Matching quotes to famous people and reporting them.
Matching quotes to famous people and reporting them.

Module 12 Media mania Pages 128 - 129
Consolidation modules 9 - 12 Pages 136 - 137
Module 4 The mind Page 46 A formal letter
Students listen to an advertisement for a product and then a letter complaining about the product
Students listen to an advertisement for a product and then a letter complaining about the product

31 - Tact Page 31
Role play. Small groups. Role cards for two parties + a go between who has to negotiate for them.
Role play. Small groups. Role cards for two parties + a go between who has to negotiate for them.

Developing Grammar in Context
19 Reported speech 1: say. tell and ask Pages 107 - 112

23 Battlefield or bed of roses? Page 23
Ss prepare 'Love is...' statements; interview each other and report what they've heard.
Ss prepare 'Love is...' statements; interview each other and report what they've heard.
24 Who asked me that? Page 24
Reported speech questions
Reported speech questions
Progress check 21 - 25 Hexagon race Pages 21 - 25
Category revision quiz for: reported speech; adverbs; phrasal verbs and vocab. (Hexagon sheet could be used for any questions.)
Category revision quiz for: reported speech; adverbs; phrasal verbs and vocab. (Hexagon sheet could be used for any questions.)

20b Neighbours Page 20
Jig saw story containing reporting verbs. Students dictate to each other in pairs.
Jig saw story containing reporting verbs. Students dictate to each other in pairs.