![]() | Author(s): Peter Moore Sarah Cunningham Publisher: Longman ISBN: 9780582825253 Publisher's resources are available for this book. |
Listening and speaking: life circles. Listening and speaking about 10 important dates, places, people etc. in your / someone's life.
Reading charting progress of five different groups / singers
(1) Revision of verb forms quiz: 'Nine things you should know about English verbs.'
Reading with multiple-choices for verb forms
Organization and proofreading. Correction exercise on draft biography of Rowan Atkinson.
Matching examples to uses of get + find someone who
Audio dialogue + script for analysis of various uses of auxiliaries: emphases, short answers, queston tags, expressing interest.
Recorded dialogue. Listen, analyze, practice.
Extra practise exercises for this unit
Ss listen and mark sentences as polite, casual or rude depending on intonation.
Discussion: things that are phsically and psychologically good and bad for you.
Reading : So you know what's good for you. Pysical and psychological effects of various lifestyle factors including food, exercise, stress etc.
(20) Noun - verb pairs: research and researh etc.
(20) Passage with mulitple choice words: noun /verb/adjective etc,
(21) Word completion
Common adjectival endings: ive, ic, able etc
Listening: 3 short conversations (A: problem -> B: response - sympathetic / unsympathetic).
Grading of phrases (What a shame! etc.) for degree of sympathy.
(1) Listening: 10 people talk about situations that make them feel stressed, happy etc.
(2) Ss speak on the same topics.
Various phrases with, collocations of 'life'.
Students add the word 'life' to sentences, then gap fill
End-of-unit extra practice section
Short quiz - students do in pairs
(1) Picture and phrase matching for common mishaps - spill wine, oversleep etc
(2) Listening: four people tell short anecdotes about mishaps
Discussion about anti-social crime and reading about gentle policing methods in Denmark
Split listening: two versions of a minor incident
Follow-up exercise and analysis of language in previous listening.
Three short gapped stories with audio to check answers
Analysis of the structure a short narrative about a trip to the Grand Canyon.
Students write story about a frighening expreience.
Pictures with multiple-choice captions / speech bubbles. Analysis of examples.
Follow up multiple-choice exercise.
Listening - students guess the questions and then ask partner
Dialogue and focus on phrases for expressing annoyance, regret and acceptance of problems.
Students prepare short conversations.
End-of-unit practise exercises
Reading on the differences between men and women's brains.
Two quizzes : students interview each other then listen for an interpretation of the results
Reading: extract from IQ test and short passage about MENSA.
Analysis of sentences.
Text with multiple-choice for practice
Students listen to an advertisement for a product and then a letter complaining about the product
Short reading, analysis and follow up exercises for have / get sthg done
Spidergraph and subsitution exericse for collocations and prhases with 'mind'
Listening + lyrics with multiple-choice line endings
(This is not the Elvis version)
Find words from units 1 - 4 for given synonyms / defintions
Revision of phrases from Real Life sections, Modules 1 - 3
Reading text about five peope with remarkable achievements.
Listening, analysis and follow-up exercises on present perfect simple, future perfect simple and past perfect simple
Gap fill; pairwork - think of an example of someone who has verb + noun (e.g. won a competition)
Students listen to people talking about achievements and then work in groups to prepare a short talk on an achievement (invention / political advance etc.) they consider significant.
Examples, analysis and follow-up exercises
Gap fill and spider graph
End-of-unit practice exercises
Article on how to deal with various emergency situations
Gap fill and listening on how-tos. Students then prepare how-tos to tell others
Short text, analysis and gapped general knowledge quiz for follow up. Listening to check answers.
Text comparison - dialogue . Students listen and add empahsis expressions. Follow-up matchin exercise.
Analysis of lecture notes. Students then listen and take notes to lecture on Maria Montessori.
Students read advice given on Internet discussion forum, then write answers to a similar question.
End-of-unit practice exercises
Students discuss five photographs of festivals, celebrations and other public events
Matching and follow-up gap-fill activity
Students first listen to four people describing memorable events and then prepare and describe one themselves
Three texts about celebrations in different countries
gapped for defining and non-defining relative clauses
Follow-up exercise for speaking (pairwork)
Combination exercise (Combining information to make sentences with non-defining relative clauses)
Example sentences on the pros and cons of being rich and famous.
Long text with multiple-choice exercise
Modals for ability and probability/possibility (deduction). Unit theme : mysteries.
Listening passage about the disappearance of a woman in a hotel in Paris in 1889.
Reading about the myseterious killing of Isodor Fink in a locked room in New York in 1929.