ESL resources

Maggie Cheung cut-up

Fact sheet - Brad Pitt

Fact sheet - Andy Lau

Famous people

Unit 1 Friends Pages 4 - 6
Fame: identifying celebrities from photos; talking about celebrities in your country; interview with Jade Jagger; making subject and object questions about celebrities.
Fame: identifying celebrities from photos; talking about celebrities in your country; interview with Jade Jagger; making subject and object questions about celebrities.

Unit 11 Sell Pages 104 - 105
Reading : the truth about life with Sharon Stone;
Reading : the truth about life with Sharon Stone;
Unit 1 Images Page 9
'Image queen'. Reading passage (challenging) on Madonna's changing images.
'Image queen'. Reading passage (challenging) on Madonna's changing images.

Module 7 Ambitions and dreams Pages 62 - 63
Students talk about ambitions now and when they were young. Listening: childhood ambitions of 8 celebrities
Students talk about ambitions now and when they were young. Listening: childhood ambitions of 8 celebrities
Module 7 Ambitions and dreams Page 66
Reading: interview with Ewan McGregor Speaking: Write and act an interview with a famous person
Reading: interview with Ewan McGregor Speaking: Write and act an interview with a famous person

Module 1 Past and present Pages 8 - 9 Reading
Reading charting progress of five different groups / singers
Reading charting progress of five different groups / singers

New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 1 Impressions Pages 8 - 9 Reading: Image Queen
Longer article on Madonna. Comprehension questions and vocabulary work.
Longer article on Madonna. Comprehension questions and vocabulary work.
Unit 5 Ritual Pages 46 - 47 Mind games
Reading text about the rituals practised by famous sports stars before matches. Comprehension questions + vocabulary work
Reading text about the rituals practised by famous sports stars before matches. Comprehension questions + vocabulary work

Just Listening and Speaking Upper Intermediate
Listening 13 - Diana's story Pages 34 - 35
Interview with Diana Hayden (1997 Miss World).
Interview with Diana Hayden (1997 Miss World).