ESL resources

Sex discrimination - high heels
Lead-in vocabulary: work clothing. News article (graded English) : woman sent home from work for refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. Grammar follow-up: reported speech.
Lead-in vocabulary: work clothing. News article (graded English) : woman sent home from work for refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. Grammar follow-up: reported speech.
Material from other sources

Beyond 'he' and 'she': The rise of non-binary pronouns 
Long 2,200 word piece - could be adapted for advanced students or mined for ideas.

Long 2,200 word piece - could be adapted for advanced students or mined for ideas.

Are you intelligent? 
Two presenters discuss a study that shows that men are more likely to overrate their ability than women.

Two presenters discuss a study that shows that men are more likely to overrate their ability than women.

The extinction of men 
Discussion that is both scientific (mentions chromosomes) and lighthearted - banter between presenter about male and female failings etc.

Discussion that is both scientific (mentions chromosomes) and lighthearted - banter between presenter about male and female failings etc.

Inside Out Student's Book Advanced
Unit 1 Identity Pages 8 - 9 The gender gap
Speaking on gender differences Reading: extracts from Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Speaking on gender differences Reading: extracts from Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Unit 13 Communication Pages 112 - 113
Discussion; questionnaire
Discussion; questionnaire

Module 4 The mind Pages 40 - 41 Gender gaps on the brain
Reading on the differences between men and women's brains.
Reading on the differences between men and women's brains.

New Inside Out Student's Book Advanced
Unit 1 Conversation Pages 6 - 7 Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus
Discussion + split reading. Vocabulary: word families - students complete a table of the different parts of speech of various items from the reading
Discussion + split reading. Vocabulary: word families - students complete a table of the different parts of speech of various items from the reading

3c Men and women are from different planets Page 3
Ten statements about gender to agree / disagree with.
Ten statements about gender to agree / disagree with.