![]() | Author(s): Susan Kay Publisher: Longman ISBN: 9780435240349 |
Variation on 'Find someone who'
Ss makes a guess about their partner's lifestyle (list of prompts), then check if they are right using a question tag.
Mill drill type activity with yes / no questions relating to family
Describing position, actions etc. of peope in an airport departure lounge.
Describing actions, positions etc. of peope in an airport departure lounge
Students invent a profile of a person from a picture and read it out. Others have to guess which picture.
Making arrangements / invitations from picture and word prompts
Speaking. Board game. Personalization.
All three uses of present perfect + contrast with past simple.
Board squares contain personal topics. Ss throw dice and have to speak about the topic they land on.
Present perfect simple vs continuous for actions with a present relevance. Pictures and prompts.
Whole class / large group.
Writing an anecdote.
'Write, fold and pass' activity to construct a funny anecdote.
Speaking, Card game. Small groups.
Ss turn over two picture cards and use their imagination to make a sentence following the patterns such as,
I was going to but (something happened) so I (did something else).
(1) Speaking : mill-type activity. Picture cards.
Ss have half of a picture and find their partner who has the other half of a picture.
(2) Writing : write description of picture in pairs.
(3) Pictures and descriptions are then shuffled and re-matched.
Ss write descriptions of pictures; then read out
descriptions and others draw.
Ss write a supernatural story using question prompts. Exchange and correct.
Ss in pairs dictate their half of a spooky story to make a complete text.
Ss read and answer questionnaire on their life experience.
Ss write descriptions using words taken from two texts. Then compare with original texts.
Ss complete and read out sentences relating to a situation (e.g. 'You've got married')
I used to...
I didn't use to...
I'm getting used to...
Other Ss must guess the situation.
Ss must take a card and say a word according to the instructions on the card.
Ss read court cases and give their verdicts.
Ss prepare definitions for everyday objects using clausees of purpose.
Ss must communicate a noun to their teams using clauses of purpose but without using four obvious words which are printed below.
Ss complete 2nd conditional sentences about their partner.
Ss in pairs complete condtional sentences from prompts and then play a dominoes matching game in a group.
Find out how many people...
(had to wear school uniform etc.)
Ss in teams have to guess inventions from descriptions of them that use the passive voice.
Ss discuss statements about technology.
Ss make crossword definitions for half a crossword, then swap with another group.
Subjects : people, places, objects
Ss match pictues of people with statements about their lives and telephone messages that have been left for them.
Ss read statements expressing regrets about the past, find ones they agree with and then mill to find other Ss with the same regrets.
Then explain regrets using third conditional.
Ss complete sentences beginning 'I wish...' . These are redistributed and Ss then mill to find who wrote the sentence.
Snakes and ladders game with gapped sentences on some squares.
Phrasal verbs include both simple and idiomatic examples.
Call-my-bluff-type team game focused on idioms containing music words: Blow your own trumpet; Change your tune; Face the music etc.
Ss complete sentences from prompts (I am attracted to people who... etc.)
Sentences are redistributed and Ss mill to find who wrote the sentence.
Ss interview each other to complete a questionnaire on haggling skills.
(18a) Multiple-choice quiz about life in the future.
(18b) Six short texts in which the answers can be found.
Students complete sentences making predictions about each other and read them out.
Marked as pair work but could be done in small groups or even as a whole class if they know each other sufficiently well.
Students exchange information about common myths. (drinking sea water will drive you insane etc.)
'It is believed that...', 'It is said that...' etc.
(19b) Students read out short texts about five unsolved mysteries and speculate about possible explanations.
(19c) Read and match explanations with mysteries.
(19b) Students read out short texts about five unsolved mysteries and speculate about possible explanations.
(19c) Read and match explanations with mysteries.
Ss produce a radio advertisement based on a picture.
Other students have to guess the picture.
Jig saw story containing reporting verbs. Students dictate to each other in pairs.