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grammar >
countable and uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns

Quantity - healthy eating

Unit 12 Basics Pages 101 - 102

4 - Countable and uncountable nouns Page 4
(1) Ss arrange food cards into pilesL C and U. (2)Ss arrange food items in a kitchen picture, then describe picture to partner who has to replicate the arrangement.
(1) Ss arrange food cards into pilesL C and U. (2)Ss arrange food items in a kitchen picture, then describe picture to partner who has to replicate the arrangement.

11 - 13 Countable and uncountable Pages 11 - 13
Chapter 11
Gapped sentences. Focuses on countable and uncountable uses of : time, glass, light, hope, lamb, experience, belief
Chapter 12
(1) Mulitple choice picture captions focusing on coutable / uncounbable uses of : lamb, cake, emotion, iron
(2) Matching and gap fill : countable and uncountable uses of hair
Chapter 13
Put words into lists of either countable of uncoutable. Over 30 examples of commonly confused words.
Chapter 11
Gapped sentences. Focuses on countable and uncountable uses of : time, glass, light, hope, lamb, experience, belief
Chapter 12
(1) Mulitple choice picture captions focusing on coutable / uncounbable uses of : lamb, cake, emotion, iron
(2) Matching and gap fill : countable and uncountable uses of hair
Chapter 13
Put words into lists of either countable of uncoutable. Over 30 examples of commonly confused words.

Spot the difference 1 page 2 Page 2
Spot the difference with food pictures - countable and uncountable
Spot the difference with food pictures - countable and uncountable

17a How's your haggling? Page 17
Ss interview each other to complete a questionnaire on haggling skills.
Ss interview each other to complete a questionnaire on haggling skills.