ESL resources
grammar >
present simple - present meanings
Present simple - present meanings
Related language points
present tenses - generalpresent continuous
present continuous for actions now
present continuous for temporary situations
present continuous for changing situations
present continuous for frequent behaviour
present simple
present simple - timetabled future

Present simple practice

Present simple vs continuous

Present tenses - dominoes matching
20 mins
groups: 3-4

Present tenses - error correction
30 mins

Material from other sources

Global Intermediate Coursebook
Unit 1 Language & Culture Page 9 Present simple and present continuous

5 - Personal pronouns: subject and object (1) Page 5
Ss order pictures to make a simple story. Then arrange words to make present simple sentences telling the story.
Ss order pictures to make a simple story. Then arrange words to make present simple sentences telling the story.
21 - Present simple: affirmative and negative Page 21
Game 1 : Small groups. Card game. Ss match pictures and verb cards to make present simple sentences: Tigers have stripes. Polar bears live near the North Pole Game 2 : Mill-type activity with role cards. Who lives on which planet? Present simple questions; present simple statements.
Game 1 : Small groups. Card game. Ss match pictures and verb cards to make present simple sentences: Tigers have stripes. Polar bears live near the North Pole Game 2 : Mill-type activity with role cards. Who lives on which planet? Present simple questions; present simple statements.
22 - Present simple: yes / no questions Page 22
Ss take a picture and ask their partner a question about it. e.g. (ice-cream picture) 'Do you like ice cream?' + variations / extensions
Ss take a picture and ask their partner a question about it. e.g. (ice-cream picture) 'Do you like ice cream?' + variations / extensions
23 - Present simple: wh- questions Page 23
Set of animal pictures Set of answers to questions about the animals. Ss turn over pictures and form appropriate questions; then match to answers. e.g. Pic card: camels. Answer card : to store water S must make question, 'Why do camels have humps?' (or equivalent)
Set of animal pictures Set of answers to questions about the animals. Ss turn over pictures and form appropriate questions; then match to answers. e.g. Pic card: camels. Answer card : to store water S must make question, 'Why do camels have humps?' (or equivalent)
27 - Frequencey adverbs: always, sometimes,etc. Page 27
Game 1 Small groups. Card game. Ss match people cards (My brother etc.) with frequency cards (always, on Monday mornings etc.) and form a sentence. My brother always oversleeps on Monday mornings. Game 2 Pairwork. Card game. Ss match pictures of people with their personal calenders using clues about their lifestyles in the pictures.
Game 1 Small groups. Card game. Ss match people cards (My brother etc.) with frequency cards (always, on Monday mornings etc.) and form a sentence. My brother always oversleeps on Monday mornings. Game 2 Pairwork. Card game. Ss match pictures of people with their personal calenders using clues about their lifestyles in the pictures.
31 - Present simple or present continuous Page 31
Small groups. Matching game with picture cards. Ss match action cards with job cards based on picture clues.
Small groups. Matching game with picture cards. Ss match action cards with job cards based on picture clues.

Grammar Games and Activities One
1 - Find someone who... Page 37
Simple findsomeonewho using present tesnes
Simple findsomeonewho using present tesnes
4 - What's my uncle's job? Page 44
Ss ask yes / no questions to find out what job is on the picture card.
Ss ask yes / no questions to find out what job is on the picture card.
7 - Four people Pages 47 - 48
Ss complete personal information forms(fictitious people) by asking partners.
Ss complete personal information forms(fictitious people) by asking partners.
9 - A day in the life of... Page 51
Ss exchange information about their daily routines.
Ss exchange information about their daily routines.

1 - Tower Block Pages 1 - 2
All participants are occupants of a tower block. 7 - 46 students.
All participants are occupants of a tower block. 7 - 46 students.
5 - Lifeswap Pages 5 - 6
Each S has a picture of a person with clues to their lifestyle. Ss imagines they are the person in the picture and want to change their lifestyle with someone else's.
Each S has a picture of a person with clues to their lifestyle. Ss imagines they are the person in the picture and want to change their lifestyle with someone else's.
6 - Matchmaking Page 6
Dating agency game with picture cards
Dating agency game with picture cards
7 - Whose Page 7
Ss complete questionnaires as follows: a student whose brother... etc.
Ss complete questionnaires as follows: a student whose brother... etc.

Developing Grammar in Context
2 The present simple Pages 7 - 11

1a - 1b Who are you? Page 1
Chart completion on basic personal information (age, job) etc. with 14 role cards
Chart completion on basic personal information (age, job) etc. with 14 role cards
2a - 2b Talk about routines Page 2
Board game with question cards - skeleton prompts
Board game with question cards - skeleton prompts
5 But what are they doing now? Page 5
Five pairs of pictures showing a person's permanent job (what s/he does) and their present activity (what s/he is doing now)
Five pairs of pictures showing a person's permanent job (what s/he does) and their present activity (what s/he is doing now)
Progress check 1 - 5 Sentences in a hat Pages 1 - 5
Students complete present simple statements with frequency adverbs from prompts
Students complete present simple statements with frequency adverbs from prompts

3a & b Lifestyle profiles Page 3
Students invent a profile of a person from a picture and read it out. Others have to guess which picture.
Students invent a profile of a person from a picture and read it out. Others have to guess which picture.
14c A life in the day of... Page 14
Ss match pictues of people with statements about their lives and telephone messages that have been left for them.
Ss match pictues of people with statements about their lives and telephone messages that have been left for them.