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Habbits and annoying behaviour
Analysis of examples


Will, would and used to quiz
Twelve-question multiple-choice quiz - both language choice and concept questions.
Would and used to quiz 2
Twelve-question multiple-choice quiz on would and used to for past habits and states. Includes question and negative forms.
Describing habits quiz 1
Fourteen-question short-answer quiz. will / will keep / would / tends to / is prone to etc.


New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate book cover 
New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 5 Ritual  Page 49   present and past habits
Follow-up work on examples from the listening 'will' for habits. Written and oral work on 'will', 'would' and 'used to'
Advanced Communication Games book cover 
Advanced Communication Games
5 Find the occupants  Page 5 
Complex mill-type activity where students have to match buildings with their occupants. (These associations are somewhat limited culturally - elederly couple with bungalow etc.)
The Great Train Robbery
<i>Black Mirror</i>
Escape from the canyon