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infinitive of purpose

Infinitive of purpose

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Infinitive of purpose - matching
15-20 mins
groups: 3-4
Twelve matching dominoes with different types of sentences that use an infinitive of purpose. Examples: We went to Egypt | to see the Pyramids; You can use a paper clip | to reset your phone etc.
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Infinitive of purpose - guessing game
20-30 mins
groups: 3-4
Ten sentences, each containing an infinitive of purpose. Read out the sentences omitting the underlined words, which other students must guess.
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Reward Intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Intermediate Resource Pack
33 How many uses can you think of?  Page 33 
10 prompts with picures. You can use an empty bottle...'
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack
11a & b Useful objects crossword  Page 11 
Ss prepare definitions for everyday objects using clausees of purpose.
11c & d Don't say it  Page 11 
Ss must communicate a noun to their teams using clauses of purpose but without using four obvious words which are printed below.
The Great Train Robbery
<i>Black Mirror</i>
Escape from the canyon