ESL resources
grammar >
future >
future perfect
Future perfect
Related language points
future - generalfuture continuous
will - future uses
going to - future intentions
present continuous for future arrangements
present simple - timetabled future
going to (prediction)

Predictions with future continuous and simple - board game with answers
20-30 mins
groups: 3-4
board game
sentence completion

Future perfect and future continuous

Future perfect and continuous practice

Future tenses quiz: will, future perfect and future continuous
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz that tests understanding of the difference in usage between these three future tenses.
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz that tests understanding of the difference in usage between these three future tenses.

Future perfect and future continuous quiz
Fifteen question multiple-choice quiz. Tests understanding of the form and usage of the future perfect simple and continuous, and the future continuous.
Fifteen question multiple-choice quiz. Tests understanding of the form and usage of the future perfect simple and continuous, and the future continuous.

Global Upper Intermediate students' book
Unit 1 Alive & Well Page 13 Future continuous and future perfect

Unit 9 Soap Pages 80 - 81
Unit 16 Review 2 Page 136
Personal predictions; class survey
Personal predictions; class survey

Unit 12 Student Pages 113 - 114
Unit 14 Review 2 Page 134

Module 10 Getting together Pages 111 - 112
Module 10 Getting together Page 115
Consolidation modules 9 - 12 Page 136
Module 5 Unusual achievements Pages 54 - 55 Perfect tenses
Listening, analysis and follow-up exercises on present perfect simple, future perfect simple and past perfect simple
Listening, analysis and follow-up exercises on present perfect simple, future perfect simple and past perfect simple

New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 4 Challenge Page 41 Grammar: future continuous and future perfect
Find examples of these tenses in previous text + practice book exercises.
Find examples of these tenses in previous text + practice book exercises.

17 Futures mixed Pages 15 - 17
Chapter 15
future continuous vs future perfect
(1) Gap fill exercise with picture prompts (signs and notices)
(2) Gap fill with conversation prompt.
Chapter 16
future continuous vs future perfect
(1) Mulitple-choice exercise
(2) Sentence completion
(3) Gap fill (choose verb from list of base forms and form either future continuous or future perfect
Chapter 17
Mixed futures
Sentence completion from prompts
Chapter 15
future continuous vs future perfect
(1) Gap fill exercise with picture prompts (signs and notices)
(2) Gap fill with conversation prompt.
Chapter 16
future continuous vs future perfect
(1) Mulitple-choice exercise
(2) Sentence completion
(3) Gap fill (choose verb from list of base forms and form either future continuous or future perfect
Chapter 17
Mixed futures
Sentence completion from prompts
15 - 16 Future continuous and future perfect Pages 15 - 16 Futures 1, Futures 2
Futures 1 Four notices relating to the future. Gap filled explanations Futures 2 Matching, short gap-fill
Futures 1 Four notices relating to the future. Gap filled explanations Futures 2 Matching, short gap-fill

Developing Grammar in Context
12 Future continuous and future perfect Pages 63 - 68

18a & b Tomorrow's world Page 18
(18a) Multiple-choice quiz about life in the future. (18b) Six short texts in which the answers can be found.
(18a) Multiple-choice quiz about life in the future. (18b) Six short texts in which the answers can be found.
18c Ten years from now Page 18
Students complete sentences making predictions about each other and read them out. Marked as pair work but could be done in small groups or even as a whole class if they know each other sufficiently well.
Students complete sentences making predictions about each other and read them out. Marked as pair work but could be done in small groups or even as a whole class if they know each other sufficiently well.