ESL resources
feelings / emotions
Feelings / emotions
Material from other sources

Short story - A Serious Case 
Short story about a woman who has an overpowering fear of spiders. Audio + pdf - c.1250 words

Short story about a woman who has an overpowering fear of spiders. Audio + pdf - c.1250 words

Make Yourself Happier Using Only A Pencil - Pleasure and Pain with 
Michael Moseley in the streets of Edinburgh demonstrating how stimulating the smile muscles, here with a pencil, can trick the brain into feeling pleasure. No captions.

Michael Moseley in the streets of Edinburgh demonstrating how stimulating the smile muscles, here with a pencil, can trick the brain into feeling pleasure. No captions.

Module 2 Life's ups and downs Pages 24 - 25 Things that make you feel...
(1) Listening: 10 people talk about situations that make them feel stressed, happy etc. (2) Ss speak on the same topics.
(1) Listening: 10 people talk about situations that make them feel stressed, happy etc. (2) Ss speak on the same topics.

6 - Personal pronouns: subject and object (2) Page 6
Ss put words together to make sentences expressing feelings about different things.
Ss put words together to make sentences expressing feelings about different things.

18 - Yuck! Page 18
Describing reactions to pictures. One S describes his/her reaction to a set of pictures, the other listens and puts the pictures in order.
Describing reactions to pictures. One S describes his/her reaction to a set of pictures, the other listens and puts the pictures in order.