ESL resources
stress - syllable
Stress - syllable

Syllable stress matching

Syllable stress in verb-noun pairs - audio quiz 1
Twenty-question MC quiz with audio. Students listen and indicate stress pattern for verb-noun pairs where stress shifts - REcord (noun), reCORD (verb) etc.
Twenty-question MC quiz with audio. Students listen and indicate stress pattern for verb-noun pairs where stress shifts - REcord (noun), reCORD (verb) etc.

Unit 9 Attraction Page 84
(1) Adding suffixes to adjectives escribing personality to make other memebers of word family; (2) Matching prefixes with stems (personality adjectives) absent + minded etc.
(1) Adding suffixes to adjectives escribing personality to make other memebers of word family; (2) Matching prefixes with stems (personality adjectives) absent + minded etc.

Module 2 Life's ups and downs Pages 20 - 21 Forming nouns and gerunds
(20) Noun - verb pairs: research and researh etc. (20) Passage with mulitple choice words: noun /verb/adjective etc, (21) Word completion
(20) Noun - verb pairs: research and researh etc. (20) Passage with mulitple choice words: noun /verb/adjective etc, (21) Word completion