ESL resources
grammar >

Articles - grammar and discussion questions
groups: 2-3

Articles - reference sheet

Defininte article matching cards

Zero article - general plurals oral practice

Articles multiple-choice quiz
Twenty-question multiple-choice exercise focusing on the difference between physical places (e.g. the school) and institutions (e.g. school). Answers and feedback. Intermediate level. (British English)
Twenty-question multiple-choice exercise focusing on the difference between physical places (e.g. the school) and institutions (e.g. school). Answers and feedback. Intermediate level. (British English)

Use of articles quiz 1
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on the use of articles. Elementary-Intermediate levels.
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on the use of articles. Elementary-Intermediate levels.

Use of articles quiz 2
Sixteen-question multiple-choice quiz on the use of articles in English. Includes feedback. Upper intermediate - advanced (B2-C1)
Sixteen-question multiple-choice quiz on the use of articles in English. Includes feedback. Upper intermediate - advanced (B2-C1)

Articles : complete the text
Complete the two-hundred-word text about Hong Kong by adding the correct articles. Includes definite, indefinite and zero articles, and articles for place names and geographical features. (British English)
Complete the two-hundred-word text about Hong Kong by adding the correct articles. Includes definite, indefinite and zero articles, and articles for place names and geographical features. (British English)
Material from other sources

Articles quiz with places 
29-question, 2-choice mulitple-choice quiz. Title (Articles with geogrhapical names) misleading - it's for all kinds of places including hotels, streets (and ships). Doesn't point out difference between places as physical places and places as insitutions

29-question, 2-choice mulitple-choice quiz. Title (Articles with geogrhapical names) misleading - it's for all kinds of places including hotels, streets (and ships). Doesn't point out difference between places as physical places and places as insitutions

Articles quiz - long 
Sixty-question multiple-choice quiz covering most of the basic rules including some for places and times

Sixty-question multiple-choice quiz covering most of the basic rules including some for places and times

Global Upper Intermediate students' book
Unit 2 Right & Wrong Page 23 The definite article

Unit 3 Money Pages 27 - 28 Close up
(1) Bookwork : gap filled passages with listening to check answers :(1) funny story (2) limerick (2) Rules for use of articles : mulitiple choice exercise (3) Practice : Ss make statement from prompts
(1) Bookwork : gap filled passages with listening to check answers :(1) funny story (2) limerick (2) Rules for use of articles : mulitiple choice exercise (3) Practice : Ss make statement from prompts
Unit 7 Review 1 Page 63
Board-type game for 3s testing ajective and verb + prepositions. Students have to make sentences from an adective or verb prompt.
Board-type game for 3s testing ajective and verb + prepositions. Students have to make sentences from an adective or verb prompt.

Module 8 Countries and cultures Pages 70 - 71
Statements about people, nationalities and other general statements. Language focus on use of articles, general plurals
Statements about people, nationalities and other general statements. Language focus on use of articles, general plurals
Consolidation modules 6 - 10 Page 96
Gapped story
Gapped story

Module 6 Getting it right Pages 66 - 67 Unse and non-use of articles
Short text, analysis and gapped general knowledge quiz for follow up. Listening to check answers.
Short text, analysis and gapped general knowledge quiz for follow up. Listening to check answers.
Module 6 Getting it right Page 71 Study - practise
End-of-unit practice exercises
End-of-unit practice exercises
Consolidation modules 5 - 8 Page 94

1 - a or an Page 1
Ss match food pictures with cards (a or an).
Ss match food pictures with cards (a or an).
2 - a/an or the (1) Page 2
Matching game with word and picture cards (an orange vs a plate vs the Eiffel Tower).
Matching game with word and picture cards (an orange vs a plate vs the Eiffel Tower).
3 - a/an or the (2) Page 3
Each S has a picture of a zoo with animals to place in different pens. The other S has to replicate this plan. 'Is there a monkey?' 'Where is the lion?' 'It's between the hyena and the giraffe.' etc.
Each S has a picture of a zoo with animals to place in different pens. The other S has to replicate this plan. 'Is there a monkey?' 'Where is the lion?' 'It's between the hyena and the giraffe.' etc.

8 - 10 Articles Pages 8 - 10
Chapter 8
(1) Gapped dialogue (talking about films and violence)
(2) Matching (6 sentences)
(3) Error correction - short paragraph on unemployment
Chapter 9
(1) True / false (grammar rules)
(2) Sentence completion - mini dialogues
(3) Matching - sentence with meaning
Chapter 10
Correct mistakes in signs (Please turn off a light etc.)
Chapter 8
(1) Gapped dialogue (talking about films and violence)
(2) Matching (6 sentences)
(3) Error correction - short paragraph on unemployment
Chapter 9
(1) True / false (grammar rules)
(2) Sentence completion - mini dialogues
(3) Matching - sentence with meaning
Chapter 10
Correct mistakes in signs (Please turn off a light etc.)

Developing Grammar in Context
30 Articles 1: general introduction Pages 177 - 182
general introduction
general introduction
31: Articles 2: special uses Pages 183 - 188
(special uses)
(special uses)