ESL resources
travel / holidays
Travel / holidays

Question formation - travel quiz
30-40 mins
groups: 4-6
question writing

Travel speaking topics
speaking cues

Travel - places and activities - guessing game
groups: 3-4

Travel anecdote
Material from other sources

Day trip with a difference (i.e. space trips) 
Two presenters talk about commercial space carriers offering day trips into space

Two presenters talk about commercial space carriers offering day trips into space


Speakout Advanced Podcast Unit 3 Places 
People in the street answer three questions about travel. Tell us about travelling and your favourite places. Do you have any holidays or trips planned? Do you have a regular haunt that you like to visit?

People in the street answer three questions about travel. Tell us about travelling and your favourite places. Do you have any holidays or trips planned? Do you have a regular haunt that you like to visit?

English Result Pre-Intermediate Student's Book
Unit 2 My region Pages 16 - 17 Tourist attractions
Unit 2 My region Page 19 describing places
Unit 2 My region Pages 16 - 17 Tourist attractions
Unit 2 My region Page 19 describing places

Inside Out Student's Book Advanced
Unit 2 Taste Page 17 A taste for travel
Four speakers talk about food in countries they have visited. Language for expressing enthusiasm and reservations
Four speakers talk about food in countries they have visited. Language for expressing enthusiasm and reservations
Unit 2 Taste Pages 18 - 19 Restaurant review
Reading in two parts about a nice family-run restaurant that is bought by an entrepeneur and spoiled.
Reading in two parts about a nice family-run restaurant that is bought by an entrepeneur and spoiled.
Unit 3 City Page 24 cities quiz
Six-question cities quiz
Six-question cities quiz
Unit 3 City Pages 26 - 27 Where in the world
Five travel-guide extracts. Read and guess the destination. Follow up vocabular work
Five travel-guide extracts. Read and guess the destination. Follow up vocabular work
Unit 3 City Pages 28 - 29 Negative limiting adverbials
Examples and analysis Write a short description of a town or city Anecdote about visiting a city
Examples and analysis Write a short description of a town or city Anecdote about visiting a city
Unit 3 City Page 30 One big party
Guidebook-style piece on Leicester Square, London.
Guidebook-style piece on Leicester Square, London.

Unit 11 Journey Pages 92 - 93

Unit 8 Escape Pages 68 - 77
(1) Reading textA day at the seaside
Adapted from Notes from a big country (humorous) by Bill Bryson
(2)Listening : I'll never forget you. Woman talks about a holiday romance.
(3) Follow up work on discourse markers (Let's get back to the subject ; to put it simply etc.)
Includes a gapped text and another listening on the same topic to check the answers.
(4) Reading: Every postcard tells a story - analysis of types of postcard.
(5) Reading and speaking: Insider's guide. Ss read guide book extracts and guess cities. Then discuss their favourite citie.
(6) Speaking : the travel talk game. Board game needing dice and counters. Each square has a travel-related speaking topic, e.g. 'the qualities of an ideal travelling companion'.
(1) Reading textA day at the seaside
Adapted from Notes from a big country (humorous) by Bill Bryson
(2)Listening : I'll never forget you. Woman talks about a holiday romance.
(3) Follow up work on discourse markers (Let's get back to the subject ; to put it simply etc.)
Includes a gapped text and another listening on the same topic to check the answers.
(4) Reading: Every postcard tells a story - analysis of types of postcard.
(5) Reading and speaking: Insider's guide. Ss read guide book extracts and guess cities. Then discuss their favourite citie.
(6) Speaking : the travel talk game. Board game needing dice and counters. Each square has a travel-related speaking topic, e.g. 'the qualities of an ideal travelling companion'.
Unit 12 Student Pages 115 - 116
student travel
student travel

Module 6 Time off Page 55
Listening: The holiday from hell - couple talk about a bad holiday. Ccomprehension questions + gap fill summary
Listening: The holiday from hell - couple talk about a bad holiday. Ccomprehension questions + gap fill summary
Module 6 Time off Pages 58 - 59
Listening: making enquiries at a travel agent Speaking: travel agent role play. Travel agents have details of 8 holidays.
Listening: making enquiries at a travel agent Speaking: travel agent role play. Travel agents have details of 8 holidays.

Module 3 Adventures and mishap Page 36 Writing a narrative
Analysis of the structure a short narrative about a trip to the Grand Canyon. Students write story about a frighening expreience.
Analysis of the structure a short narrative about a trip to the Grand Canyon. Students write story about a frighening expreience.

New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 7 Escape Pages 68 - 69 A day at the seaside

Straightforward Advanced Student's Book
1A A fresh start Pages 6 - 7 Reading: change
Four short texts dealing with different kinds of change.
Four short texts dealing with different kinds of change.

Memory 6 airport talk page 40 - 41 Pages 40 - 41
Two pictures: Arrivals and departures. Ss match speech balloons with people in pictures.
Two pictures: Arrivals and departures. Ss match speech balloons with people in pictures.

Just Listening and Speaking Upper Intermediate
Listening 3 - What photographs remind us of Pages 12 - 13
Four pictures (3 of them abroad), four speakers. Match picture with speaker. Vocabulary matching activity - disparate words and phrases.
Four pictures (3 of them abroad), four speakers. Match picture with speaker. Vocabulary matching activity - disparate words and phrases.

Real Listening & Speaking Three
Unit 7 I could do with a break Pages 34 - 36
Listening: six speakers talk about their preferred types of holiday Listening: Booking a holiday. Spot the errors on booking form Speaking: travel recommendations Speaking: asking for detailed information Answering tourists questions in your home town Asking a tour guide questions
Listening: six speakers talk about their preferred types of holiday Listening: Booking a holiday. Spot the errors on booking form Speaking: travel recommendations Speaking: asking for detailed information Answering tourists questions in your home town Asking a tour guide questions
Unit 8 It's an amazing place Pages 38 - 41
Listening: asking a friend for advice about a holiday destination Speaking: asksing for information about holiday destinations Listening: an informal talk about Peru
Listening: asking a friend for advice about a holiday destination Speaking: asksing for information about holiday destinations Listening: an informal talk about Peru

11a and 11b Around the world in 10 minutes Page 11
Present perfect with 'still', 'yet' and 'already'
Present perfect with 'still', 'yet' and 'already'
27 Holiday crossword Page 27
Ss write crossword clues using defining relative clauses. Subject : holidays and travel.
Ss write crossword clues using defining relative clauses. Subject : holidays and travel.
34 If you come here Page 34
Ss decide on a holiday destination from four options that are read out by other students in the group.
Ss decide on a holiday destination from four options that are read out by other students in the group.
Progress check 31 - 35 Holiday choices Pages 31 - 35
Ss list words and phrases under headings: 'The holiday of my dreams' and 'the holiday of my nightmares'. Compare and discuss.
Ss list words and phrases under headings: 'The holiday of my dreams' and 'the holiday of my nightmares'. Compare and discuss.

13 Getting ready to go Page 13
Talking about holiday plans
Talking about holiday plans