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adverbs >
adverbs of time
Adverbs of time
Related language points
adverbs - generaladverbs of manner
adverbs - word order
adverbs of frequency
adverbs of degree
book references (3)

Unit 11 Journey Page 99
Add adverbs to story; write story in groups.
Add adverbs to story; write story in groups.

2 - 5 Adverbs of time Pages 2 - 5
Chapter 2 Still, yet, already, ever (1) Sentence completion 2) gap fill Chapter 3 (never, already, yet, ever, still) Insert adverb into sentence Chapter 4 (never, often, now, ago, before, during, since, until, weekly, rarely, just, ever) Gap fill and mini crossword Chapter 4 (nowadays, ago, whenever, these days, during, sooner or later (1) Mini crossword (2) Dialogue gap fill
Chapter 2 Still, yet, already, ever (1) Sentence completion 2) gap fill Chapter 3 (never, already, yet, ever, still) Insert adverb into sentence Chapter 4 (never, often, now, ago, before, during, since, until, weekly, rarely, just, ever) Gap fill and mini crossword Chapter 4 (nowadays, ago, whenever, these days, during, sooner or later (1) Mini crossword (2) Dialogue gap fill

22 Animal instinct Page 22
Adverbs of manner and time.Students pretend they are animals and give information about their lifestyles. Others have to guess which animal they are.
Adverbs of manner and time.Students pretend they are animals and give information about their lifestyles. Others have to guess which animal they are.