ESL resources

Films / movies card game
groups: 3-4

Film vocabulary
30-40 mins
groups: 3-4

Gap-fill - Titanic

Movies and TV
Lead-in speaking: movies and ways of watching. Picture-text matching: genres. Language reference boxes:likes and dislikes / describing movies. Matching exercise: questions.. Guessing game: movies. Individual speaking using prompts and language reference box.
Lead-in speaking: movies and ways of watching. Picture-text matching: genres. Language reference boxes:likes and dislikes / describing movies. Matching exercise: questions.. Guessing game: movies. Individual speaking using prompts and language reference box.

Movies and books quiz
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on common words and expressions for describing books and movies.
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz on common words and expressions for describing books and movies.
Vocabulary sets
Items link to the Cambridge Dictionary
movie vocabulary

Unit 2 Relax Page 20
Ss listen to extract from soundtrack and say what kind of film.
Ss listen to extract from soundtrack and say what kind of film.

Real Listening & Speaking Three
Unit 5 Is there anything on? Page 26
Anagrams: film genres
Anagrams: film genres