ESL resources
grammar >
past simple
Past simple
Related language points
narrative tenses - generalpast continuous
past perfect continuous
past perfect simple

Past time expressions and tenses - board game
20-30 mins
groups: 3-4
board game
speaking cues

Past simple and past continuous error correction
20-30 min
groups: 3-4

Present perfect and past simple board game
20 mins

Past simple questions dominoes

Alibis game - bank robbery story with narrative tenses
1 hour
groups: pairs / whole class
gap fill
question writing

Past simple and continuous - anecdote - the Donkey Dog
Short anecdote about a frightening experience, gapped for past continuous and past simple plus 'enormous' and 'the biggest'
Short anecdote about a frightening experience, gapped for past continuous and past simple plus 'enormous' and 'the biggest'

English Result Pre-Intermediate Student's Book
Unit 2 My region Page 23 past simple

Global Intermediate Coursebook
Unit 2 Lives and Legends Page 19 Past simple & past continuous
Unit 2 Lives and Legends Page 21 Past perfect & past simple

Unit 3 Dating Pages 25 - 27

Module 2 Important firsts Pages 16 - 17
Short text on the invention of TV. Quiz questions on 'important firsts' for question formation
Short text on the invention of TV. Quiz questions on 'important firsts' for question formation
Module 7 Ambitions and dreams Pages 64 - 65
Short texts about people's careers. Contrasts present perfect with 'for' , and past simple; + throws in other uses of the present perfect
Short texts about people's careers. Contrasts present perfect with 'for' , and past simple; + throws in other uses of the present perfect
Consolidation modules 11 - 15 Page 138
Tense identification exercise
Tense identification exercise

34 - was and were Page 34
Game 1. Picture story (soap opera cards). Ss arrange pictures to tell a story; then arrange word cards to make a sentence for each picture. + follow-up card game (groups) Game 2. Picture card matching game (Strange but True cards). requiring past simple questions and answers with the verb 'to be'.
Game 1. Picture story (soap opera cards). Ss arrange pictures to tell a story; then arrange word cards to make a sentence for each picture. + follow-up card game (groups) Game 2. Picture card matching game (Strange but True cards). requiring past simple questions and answers with the verb 'to be'.
35 - Past simple: affirmative and negative Page 35
Game 1. Matching game - Ss match past simple and bare infintive cards. (irregular verbs)
Game 1. Matching game - Ss match past simple and bare infintive cards. (irregular verbs)
36 - Past simple: yes / no questions Page 36
Matching game with role cards. Ss ask yes / no questions to solve puzzle: where did they see each other last night?
Matching game with role cards. Ss ask yes / no questions to solve puzzle: where did they see each other last night?
37 - Past simple: wh- questions Page 37
Lotto game. Ss have to form 'wh' questions to match answers on an anwer card.
Lotto game. Ss have to form 'wh' questions to match answers on an anwer card.

Grammar Games and Activities One
8 - Half a crossword : Irregular verbs Pages 49 - 50
Ss complete crossword of irregular past tenses.
Ss complete crossword of irregular past tenses.
35 - Life stories Pages 95 - 96
Ss in pairs each have a short biography. They ask and answer questions to find 12 differences.
Ss in pairs each have a short biography. They ask and answer questions to find 12 differences.

8 - Alien Page 8
Witnesses role play. Each S is a witness to an alien visitation. Task is to put info together to find out what happened.
Witnesses role play. Each S is a witness to an alien visitation. Task is to put info together to find out what happened.
12 - Good news, bad news Page 12
Picture card game in which Ss match good news and bad news cards.
Picture card game in which Ss match good news and bad news cards.
27 - When did you last see your father? Page 27
past simple + ago. Questions, 'When did you last..?'
past simple + ago. Questions, 'When did you last..?'
28 - The queue Page 28
Past simple. Yes / no questions. Ss have to reassemble a queue of people by asking yes / no questions and using information in role cards.
Past simple. Yes / no questions. Ss have to reassemble a queue of people by asking yes / no questions and using information in role cards.
29 - Detective work Page 29
Card game. Small groups. Past perfect Past simple Language for making deductions. Murder-solving game with clue cards.
Card game. Small groups. Past perfect Past simple Language for making deductions. Murder-solving game with clue cards.

Picure story Frank woke up page 9 Page 9
Simple picture story. Ss order pics and make sentences from given verbs (regular and irregular)
Simple picture story. Ss order pics and make sentences from given verbs (regular and irregular)
When? page 28 Page 28
Responding to past simple questions. Ss have to guess the answer to questions such as, "When did people start travelling in cars?'
Responding to past simple questions. Ss have to guess the answer to questions such as, "When did people start travelling in cars?'

Developing Grammar in Context
4 The past simple Pages 18 - 22

6a A romantic meeting Page 6
Group story writing from question prompts
Group story writing from question prompts
6b Shirley Valentine Page 6
Picture story with text. Students order pictures
Picture story with text. Students order pictures
7 Who were they? Page 7
Students answer quiz sheet in groups
Students answer quiz sheet in groups
8 A holiday to remember Page 8
Students arrange pictures to tell the story of a holiday they had. Partner then asks questions to find more information
Students arrange pictures to tell the story of a holiday they had. Partner then asks questions to find more information
Progress check 6 - 10a and 6 - 10b Bingo Pages 6 - 10
Irregular past simple bingo
Irregular past simple bingo
31b A dream Page 32
Students write a dream using picture prompts (28 cards)
Students write a dream using picture prompts (28 cards)
32 Strange things happen Page 32
Students order 14 sentences to tell the story of a spooky experience while driving at night.
Students order 14 sentences to tell the story of a spooky experience while driving at night.